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Visually Impaired campers sitting at the Governor's Green Pavilion Steps for their group photo.

Camp Perception

Visually Impaired – 11 Days This program is geared for adult individuals that are legally blind with best correction, totally blind, have Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, etc. This program promotes independence; therefore, campers must

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Camp Empower

Transitional Care – 6 Days This program is geared for adult individuals that are intellectually challenged, on the Autism spectrum, or physically challenged and require some personal care. During this camp, we operate on a

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Assisted Living Campers Playing Bingo

Camp Felicity

Registration Opens February 1st Click here to access our Registration Portal At Camp Felicity, the focus is not just on creating memorable experiences but also on empowering individuals to embrace their abilities and form lasting

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Project New Hope

Project New Hope was founded by caring individuals who understand that for disabled veterans and their families, the wartime experience does not end the day a disabled veteran comes home. The Effects are often felt throughout a disabled veteran's entire lifetime and can have an impact on each family member, often in ways that may be quite subtle, or hidden from view.
Healing and understanding is vital to life success after military service. Each family member will deal with what has happened in their own way. Returning disabled veterans face the challenge of transitioning from military to civilian life. For many, they feel alone and forgotten. Spouses and children may struggle, first with their loved one being gone and then another adjustment after their return.
No matter which era a solider served, ALL Pa Disabled Veterans and their families are welcome!
There is NO charge for Pa Disabled Veterans and their families to attend.

2022 Session Dates:

Session FOUR ~ June 25 - 29
Session SIX ~ July 9 - 13

2022 Registration Due Dates:

Session FOUR ~ June 15
Session SIX ~ June 29

Registration Fee

Project New Hope
  • Yes, Free!
  • There is NO charge for Pa Disabled Veterans and their families to attend Pa Lions Beacon Lodge Camp Project New Hope.

Pa Resident Camp Fee

Project New Hope
  • Funding is provided through donations from individuals, organizations, or companies who want to give something back to the incredible heroes who have protected our freedom.
  • Includes family (up to 7 people) !


Project New Hope
  • If you want to help provide this fun, engaging, and encouraging program for our disabled veterans, please consider contributing to our 2020 Project New Hope Campaign today.

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest Project New Hope News

Visually Impaired - 11 Days

This program is geared for adult individuals that are legally blind with best correction, totally blind, have Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, etc.
This program promotes independence; therefore, campers must posses the ability to work well, socialize with, and interact in peer group situations.
Ability to self bathe, dress, feed, follow directions, camp rule and policies, and manage money on campus and during off-campus trips is a must.
Our VI sessions operate on a 1:8 counselor to camper ratio.

2022 Session Dates:

Session SEVEN~ July 17 - 26
Session EIGHT~ July 30 - August 9

2022 Registration Due Dates:

Session SEVEN~ July 6, 2022
Session EIGHT~ July 20, 2022

Registration Fee

Visually Impaired Program
$ 100
  • Non-Refundable Fee

Pa Resident Camp Fee

Visually Impaired Program
$ 600
  • For adults who live in Pennsylvania

Non-Resident Camp Fee

Visually Impaired Program
$ 700
  • For adults who do NOT live in Pennsylvania

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest Vi News

Camp Unite (Formerly Family Camp) - 5 Days!

This session is designed for families with children with disabilities. Families in this session will relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the camp, while spending quality family time together in a barrier-free atmosphere.
Family members are responsible for any personal care of the children, dispensing the camper's medications, and supervision of family during down time.

2022 Session Dates:

Session TWO ~ June 11 - 15
Session FIVE ~ July 2 - 6

2022 Registration Due Date:

Session TWO ~ June 1
Session FIVE ~ June 22

Registration Fee

Camp Unite
$ 100
  • Non-Refundable Fee

Pa Resident Camp Fee

Camp Unite
$ 500
  • For Families who live in Pennsylvania
  • Includes 2 Adult and 1 Child
  • $50 per additional person

Non-Resident Camp Fee

Camp Unite
$ 550
  • For Families who do NOT live in Pennsylvania
  • Includes 2 Adult and 1 Child
  • $50 per additional person

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest Camp Unite (Formerly Family Camp) News

Camp AD(H)Dventure - 8 Days
Formerly Known as Camp Energy

This session is geared toward individuals with ADD/ ADHD.
This camp session will be highly active and structured. Individuals with multiple diagnoses will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Children must be Independent in all ADL skills (bathing, dressing, feeding, and toileting) and continent.
During this camp, we operate on a 1:5 counselor to camper ratio.

2022 Session Dates:

Session EIGHT ~ July 30 - August 6

2022 Registration Due Date:

Session EIGHT ~ July 20

Registration Fee

Camp AD(H)Dventure
$ 100
  • Non-Refundable Fee

Pa Resident Camp Fee

Camp AD(H)Dventure
$ 650
  • For children who live in Pennsylvania

Non-Resident Camp Fee

Camp AD(H)Dventure
$ 750
  • For children who do NOT live in Pennsylvania

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest Camp AD(H)DVenture (formerly Camp Energy) News

Camp Sensational (Formerly Camp A.L.I.V.E) - 6 Days

This session is designed for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or intellectual challenges Activities may include making personal sensory items, playing games aimed towards cooperative and associative play, and participating in activities to build interpersonal relationships.

Children must be non-physically aggressive to themselves or others. No severe behavior disorders. Child must be continent. Personal care needs will be evaluated on an individual basis. Must be able to assist counselors with bathing, dressing, feeding, and toileting. Children that may wet the bed will be required to bring a supply of personal care items; pull-ups/briefs, bed pads, wipes, and ample changes of clothing/pajamas.

Children must be able to communicate their personal needs, follow basic directions, participate in daily activities in a group setting, and live peacefully in close quarters with up to 4 cabin mates.
Campers with a dual diagnosis will be reviewed on an individual basis.
During this camp, we operate on a 1:3 counselor to camper ratio.

2022 Session Dates:

Session ONE ~ June 4 - 9

2022 Registration Due Date:

Session ONE ~ May 25

Registration Fee

Camp Sensational
$ 100
  • Non-Refundable Fee

Pa Resident Camp Fee

Camp Sensational
$ 550
  • For Children who live in Pennsylvania

Non-Resident Camp Fee

Camp Sensational
$ 600
  • For children who do NOT live in Pennsylvania

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest Camp Sensational (Formerly Camp A.L.I.V.E.) News

L.E.A.P. (Learners who Explore, Achieve & Persevere)(Formerly Assisted Living) - 6 Days

This session is designed for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Activities include physically active games like relays and obstacle courses, more intricate arts and crafts, hikes, pool games and more.

Children may not be physically aggressive to themselves or others. They must be continent and self-sufficient with bathing, dressing, feeding and toileting. Verbal prompting, mobility assistance, and basic assistance will be given in regards to ADL and daily schedule of activities. They need to be able to communicate personal needs, follow directions, participate in daily activities in a group setting, and live peacefully in close quaners with up to 6 cabin mates.

During this camp, we operate on a 1:4 counselor to camper ratio.

2022 Session Dates:

Session THREE ~ July 16 - 23

2022 Registration Due Date:

Session THREE ~ June 8

Registration Fee

$ 100
  • Non-Refundable Fee

Pa Resident Camp Fee

$ 550
  • For children who live in Pennsylvania

Non-Resident Camp Fee

$ 600
  • For children who do NOT live in Pennsylvania

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest L.E.A.P (Formerly CV Assisted Living) News

ConnXions (Formerly Visually Impaired) - 8 Days

This session is designed and adapted to maximize fun and adventure for individuals with vision loss. Vision requirement — 20/70 in better eye with best correction. Children may not be physically aggressive or verbally abusive to themselves or others.

Children with dual diagnoses may be accepted upon review or based on previous attendance. They must be independent in all aspects of daily living skills and continent. Staff will provide appropriate mobility assistance, dining hall assistance, and verbal prompting when needed. But, children must have the ability to self-bathe, dress, feed, follow directions, rules, and policies.

This sessions operates on a 1:6 counselor to camper ratio.

2022 Session Dates: 2

Session SEVEN ~ July 16 - 23

2022 Registration Due Date:

Session SEVEN ~ July 6

Registration Fee

$ 100
  • Non-Refundable Fee

Pa Resident Camp Fee

$ 650
  • For children who live in Pennsylvania

Non-Resident Camp Fee

$ 750
  • For children who do NOT live in Pennsylvania

Registration/Forms will be available January 17, 2022

Latest CVVI News

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